DIY Stair Lighting

Instructables member Quanchante shared an interesting project of building a relatively cheap and pretty darn easy-to-assemble step lights made out of LEDs. If you are interested then get ready with the following Materials:  Glue gun and glue sticks Soldering gun and solder Felt or Thick fabric that matched the carpet on my existing steps 5mm UltraBright LEDs, color: Pure White with clear lens (3 per step light) 9v Battery (1 per step light)

Crazy optical fiber and LEDs based Step Lighting

  Fiberopticlight presents an amazing step lights created using Poly Optics Super Side Light fibre lit with LEDs at each end. Each strip of stairs consists of a single LED at each end of a 7mm Super Side Light fibre strip encased in a 10mm square polycarbonate extrusion. Entire system of strip lights is typically operated by just a single 9V power supply and the current consumption of each strip light is about