Funny Hacks

The Useless Candle

  Remember the cool Usless Machine? Well now there is a Useless Candle. New idea but just as much useless fun. As soon as you light the candle the system detects that it is lit and blows it out. 🙂 “The control circuit for this project is built around a 555 timer IC. When light shines on the CdS photoresistor, the voltage at pin 2 drops below the trigger threshold. This

Planet Power Saver Scam

  Want to save 30 to 40 percent on your power bill? Well that’s a stupid question… It is as simple as plugging in a small electronic box into your wall and your savings will be immediate! Yea right. I got a call from the guys at Planet Power Saver trying to sell me their miracle device. These snake oil salesmen have been selling this junk for a long time

Funny Electrical Engineer Moments

  We have all had brain farts when working with electronics and blow stuff up or shock ourselves by accident. Mehdi Sadaghdar from ElectroBoom has made some great Funny Electrical Engineer Moments on video. I don’t think you will gain any useful information from the videos but that is not the point, they were obviously made for fun.  

USB SD Card that looks like a Apple II Floppy Drive

  If you don’t look at the scale of the things around it you might think this drive was ripped out of some vintage gear. It is actually a fully functional USB SD card reader that looks just like an Apple II Floppy Drive. “A typical USB SD card reader is boring. Why not show your retro affiliation with a Disk II styled reader? Modeled after the iconic Apple II

Voltage Testing Screwdriver Failure

  Have you ever used one of those neon screwdriver voltage testers? I haven’t seen them for a long time but I remember seeing one in a few tool boxes while growing up. I didn’t realize how dangerous they are if the voltage is more than it was designed for! For an interesting experimental test of an insulated screwdriver rated at 1000 V have a look at the 4:45 mark.