Funny Hacks

Bandit Music Machine

You have to check out this music machine, it is amazing. Watch the Video. “I found Philip and his creation, “Bandit” playing outside the cathedral in Bath, England. Bandit is a unique musical machine of Philip’s design which allows him to play a guitar-like instrument entirely with his feet, while he simultaneously plays a fiddle in the normal way. Philip uses his left foot to choose one of about 10

Collection of Mentos and Coke reactions

This is too funny. I have seen the coke/mentos reaction before, but never on the scale of the first video. The coke/mentos rockets seem like fun too. “What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It’s amazing and completely insane. The first part of this video demonstrates a simple geyser, and the second part shows just how extreme it can get. Over one

USB Barbie Doll

Wired has a list of some weird USB devices. The Barbie is quite cute, when you want to plug in the USB key/Barbie doll simply rip off the head and jab it into a computer… “The plethora of USB ports now offered by today’s PCs has spawned an abundance of ridiculous devices. A small culture of collectors has even emerged around odd USB gadgets, and chances are one of them

Cruzin Cooler

Can’t afford a motorcycle to attract the chicks? The Cruzin Cooler is the next best thing. 🙂 “Why didn’t we find this sooner? As a person who just had a beer at 9am, this would be perfect! I’d hop on, roll down to the bodega, suit up with a few sixpacks, and head home, all while sitting on my comfortable Cruzin Cooler. This cooler has a gas or electric motor

Vacuum Cannon

Here is a neat home made cannon that uses the power of a shop-vac! “Make a simple cannon out of some tube and a vacuum cleaner. Play with the different types of tube and the length and diameter of the tube. Some will work better than others. Change the type of projectile, too. For some fun, try shooting marshmallows or mini marshmallows. There are endless possibilities with this project.”

Old PCs = Sculptures

What to do with all this old computer junk? Don’t toss it into the landfill make something creative out of it, here are a few ideas to get you started. Here is another useful idea. “Don’t throw away your faulty computer or parts. Try to do something useful from it.You don’t know what ? Here you have some examples.I hope you’ll learn something useful from here.” Via: Make