Tiny Arcade Cabinet

  Tiny Circuits have made a playable Tiny Arcade Cabinet kit. The environment is a tiny custom Arduino system. It is stackable and of course very small. “The Tiny Arcade lets you relive the golden age of video games with an arcade cabinet that fits in the palm of your hand.  Originally launched on Kickstarter! Beautiful, vibrant full color OLED screen   Games are free and open source – play

Cost to Manufacturing Your Hardware Product

    Make has a great article that goes over what things to consider when wanting to manufacturer your hardware product. They bring up that the case often one of the largest costs of the product due to needing to make molds. There is the area between low and high volume manufacturing where using an off the shelf case would be cheapest but at some point getting a custom case

3D POV Display

    There are lots of POV displays out there, lots have multi color LEDs that can display some impressive images. Gelstronic has built this  3D POV Display that has lots of tech going on. The addressable LEDs are setup in strips of varying heights. When spun this allows the display to create 3D images in color. A Parallax Propeller microcontroller powers the main display while an Arduino Pro Mini

Antenna filled with Acorns

    This Antenna filled with Acorns certainly would not be operating properly. Looks like a squirrel had found the best hiding spot ever. I wonder how long it took for 300 pounds of acorns to be jammed into the antenna? I bet if you had a look at the efficiency of the antenna it was taking a gradual nose dive as more and more nuts were stored inside.  

Guy Makes his own iPhone

    Instead of purchasing a new or reconditioned iPhone Scotty from Strange Parts decided to build his own. If he was in any other country this would have been near impossible but he was in China. There are lots of repair and recycling facilities that were able to sell him the bits and pieces that he needed. At 6:15 you can see Scotty purchase the display and digitizer from

Automated LED Handrail

  Grobenn25 built an interactive LED handrail system using an Arduino that monitors a large array of infrared sensors to detect what step the user is on. Based on the  current detection pattern the stairs will light the LEDs under the handrail appropriately. During the production he looked at many different types of systems and settled on this overkill system. The sensors are changing their detection parameters constantly so that

Automated Outdoor Lighting

    Steve Marriott wanted to have some automated outdoor lights. They will be controlled by an Arduino that will monitor some PIR sensors to see what is going on and turn lights on based on activity. A few tictac boxes were used to mount the outdoor electronics in. The project changed over time based on community help. The end result is a a completely automated lighting system that looks