Fun With Lasers

Ever wanted to make a DIY project using lasers? No time like the present! Here are a few projects that will get your feet wet.

Philippe Hurbain enjoys lego and building sensors. He has made a Laser Target Finder Sensor, his web site provides full schematics and detailed construction details. Here is what he says about his laser sensor:
“I originally built this sensor to be able to perform triangulation navigation. I needed a way to locate three targets from some distance, so a laser pointer seemed to be tailored for the job. To keep things simple, I wanted to have passive targets, and used catadioptric reflectors to send back laser beam to the sensor.”

W’s Laser-Projects page has some interesting projects that use lasers. He has done some holography by purchasing parts from Ebay. His laser workshop looks very mad scientist like.

Ever thought about transmitting data using a laser pointer. This project provides complete instructions on how to do just that. “The circuit allows any two computers with serial (RS-232) communication capability to communicate over 200 meters using a laser beam. “


  1. This is actually something that i would like to build.

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