Robosapien V2 Hacks

For those who haven’t heard there is a new Robosapien on the loose. This new version is bigger and badder than the previous version. It also have a revolutionary name “Robosapien V2”, well I guess it is to the point :). This new platform is proving to be great for hacking but the $250 price point may put out of range for some people.

PCMAG say ” At $250, the Robosapien V2 has more than doubled in price and nearly in size over its predecessor. Fortunately, its capabilities have grown as well. This blue-eyed automaton has an almost fully articulated body and is capable of head turns, arm and shoulder bends, grasping with large robotic fingers, and bending at the waist. He still lacks knees and though he can walk at three different gaits, he won’t be climbing any stairs. The Robosapien V2 also has dozens of user-controlled actions, each of which can be accessed via the multibuttoned remote. Additionally he can hear, see (though not through his luminescent eyes), feel via sensors in his hands and feet, and interact.”

Ok so you want to hack it? There are lots of people that have been thinking the same thing. The guys at have put together a great site with tons of resources. They go over hidden features, tips and tricks and of course hacks and mods!

Chance Brown from Evosapian has come up with some ways of hacking the beast also, take a look at some of his ideas here. Evosapian also has a very indepth guide to the inner components of the machine, they go right down to each and every pin headder! I must say this is amaizing detail and very well laid out.

There are many forums that cater to hackers of the Robosapien V2, check out Roboburp and the Unofficial Robosapien Hacks and Mods Forum.

Here are a few videos of the stock Robosapien V2 in action:
Bowling with a green ball.
Passing a drink and passing wind!
Long video of the Robosapian bossing others around.
Playing with (scaring) a dog.

There are many more sites with more information, if I missed any important ones I am sure they will be magically added in the comments section 🙂


  1. Its crazy how many hacks have come out for these things. I wonder if they had any idea that their product would be as popular with the home brew community as it has been.

  2. I WANT 1!!!!!!! please send hacks.

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