January 6, 2006

ScanJet Music Hack

GanjaTron’s web site has some interesting items on it but the most interesting is his HP ScanJet hack. He found an article by HP that demonstrated an easter egg for the scanner. There is a PlayTune command that allows the user to send commands to the scanner that will move the scanner head in such a way that it produces a sound note! I guess some of the design engineers

New WD Hard Drive Aimed At Modders

Western Digital on Thursday announced the Raptor X hard drive, a new product line geared for the modding community. The Raptor X, which incorporates many of the features WD has included in its enterprise line of hard drives, trades performance for size: the 150-GByte SATA drive spins at 10,000 RPMs. In a unique twist, the drive also includes a clear cover, so that modders can show off the internals of

Xbox 360 ATX power supply

By now everyone has heard of the Xbox 360 issues with the power supplies. I don’t know what type of quality control or product testing was done on the Xbox 360 but there could have been more. Hackaday has an interesting solution to the problem. “Ran Mokady took a pretty big gamble with this project, but didn’t really have any other choice: his power supply was broken and he couldn’t