Phillip Torrone from Make Magazine has put together a long list of open source gift ideas. Items include everything from a cool open source Home Automation System to their own POV device that’s only $18.00!
Is there anything missing from the list, leave a comment and I will pass it along…
What is open source?
“There are hundreds of gift guides this holiday season filled with junk you can
buy – but a lot of time you actually don’t own it, you can’t improve upon it,
you can’t share it or make it better, you certainly can’t post the plans,
schematics and source code either. We want to change that, we’ve put together
our picks of interesting open source hardware projects, open source software,
services and things that have the Maker-spirit of open source. Some are kits,
some are open software projects that you’ll need to build hardware for before
gifting, and some are just support for the projects/groups that do open
hi 2 all.
hello world! It is nice site. Keep working!
best regards
i found you here ^^