January 10, 2006

Crazy Go Carts

When I think of a go cart I think about a lawnmower engine mounted onto a small light frame. Well take a look at these go carts! This is out of the box thinking. The Jet Kart project is the brainchild of Chy Wright and Henry Donald, who both live in West Yorkshire, England. “Having both independently been involved in different aspects of motor sport racing from competitive motorcycle trials

Chipped Human

Mikey Sklar is braver than me, he had a RFID chip implanted into his hand. These chips have a variety of purposes from tracking inventory to access control. They are routinely injected into animals to identify them if they are lost but it is not common for them to be installed in a human! Here is what Amal has to say about the subject, ” DIY RFID human implants are

Electric One Wheel Unicycle

Trevor Blackwell who had built a few (ver 1, ver 2) segway clones but felt that 2 wheels was 1 too many. So he built a one wheeled electric unicycle! His site has full parts list and instructions on how to build your own. “The unicycle balances itself using a simple feedback loop between a solid-state gyroscope and the wheel motor. When it detects itself tilting forward, it runs the

PC Cooling with Cooking Oil

As seen on Slashdot, Toms Hardware sealed a clear computer case and filled it with 8 gallons of cooking oil to improve it’s cooling. Watch the video below! If you want to watch the full lengh video it is available here. This type of mod has been done before but watching the video is very cool! PC filled up with cooking oil