Electric One Wheel Unicycle

Trevor Blackwell who had built a few (ver 1, ver 2) segway clones but felt that 2 wheels was 1 too many. So he built a one wheeled electric unicycle! His site has full parts list and instructions on how to build your own.

“The unicycle balances itself using a simple feedback loop between a solid-state gyroscope and the wheel motor. When it detects itself tilting forward, it runs the wheel forward to keep it vertical. When it detects itself tilting backwards it runs the wheel backwards. It does this so rapidly (200 updates per second) that it feels perfectly smooth. This is really the same thing that a conventional unicycle rider does with his legs.”

Read the full article here.


  1. Isn’t calling something a “One Wheel Unicycle” rather redundant? Aren’t all unicycles composed of a single wheel?

    Fun concept that I would like to try.

  2. Wow, let me tell you this, that guy looks kewl.

  3. i say he should get a real unicycle and try to ride it, instead of having a machine do it for him…. and yea i can ride a unicycle without the help of overly complicated and expensive machinery

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