Xbox 360 goes liquid

The aims of the project were to:
a) Reduce the noise level
b) See if I could do it
I was not looking to lower the temperature to improve the stability. Ive heard reports in forums of the 360 overheating but I have not noticed this myself.

read more | digg story


  1. as much as i hate xbox that is the coolest thing i have ever seen

  2. hey thats a nice looking setup.. looks very professional.
    if u could please email me the info on were u purchased this and any helpfull tips or tricks u could tell me would be great..

  3. Game on guys, I play games all day long and not planning to change that anytime soon! 😀

  4. Hey, Looks like you have a really great setup there. I had one question where did you find that waterblock? i have been looking for one like that for some time now. any help would be great :).

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