This small 8X8 LED array packs a ton of smarts in a small package. The code for the ATmega16 is available as well as the Eagle PCB layout.
Thanks Martin
"ATmega16 is powered from two CR2016 lithium cells. AVR is using internal RC oscillator @8MHz. The supply voltage is 6.0V. Lower voltages works too, but the image isn’t so bright, especially the green LEDs. There is a button connected to INT pin of ATmega16. If you press it for a while, the MCU suspends itself."
Nice. I’ve made my own RG matrix..uses an Atmega8, TLC5920, and MAX232.
You can see my main video here:
Also some other, unedited clips:
As with the above clip, the camera doesn’t really do the display justice, you can see some ghosting of pixels due to the camera’s exposure time (imo).
-Hope you enjoy it.