April 16, 2006

5 Volt Potato Battery

Seems people are getting creative when making batteries. We aren’t seeing the typical fruit batteries that everyone has made in high school. An example of a creative battery that you might remember from a few months ago is the penny battery. Well I would have to say this potato battery is a step up in creativity. I wouldn’t have thought you could make a battery out of potatoes, but I

Griffin Itrip Nano Antenna Hack

Having reception problems with your Itrip or another FM transmitter? Well you are not alone! Jojoskarr (Joe) came up with an interesting idea that uses items that you probably already have collecting dust in a closet. A USB cable, small transformer and come Coax cable is what he used to solve his iPod Nano reception woes. “After experimenting I stumbled across the wonders of how coaxial cable works great for