LED Tubes

Looking for another LED project? Have a look at this one that makes some tubes shine.

“I’ve had a thing for tubes (aka valves) since I was a kid. They made me thing of mini futuristic alien cities under a dome. I got some on ebay and mounted them on a plinth to make some mysterious object. Then I thought “Wouldn’t it be cool if they GLOWED?”… The LEDs shine up through the holes in the project box and make the tubes glow.”


  1. I don’t get it..

  2. Like many (most?) projects listed here there is not necessarily a purpose for it. Same goes for this project, all if does is light some old tubes using modern LEDs. The effect is very nice though!

  3. when I was 10 I built an alien city from old tv tubes! Powered it off an old car battery. I though I was the only nut-ball that thought of them in those terms.


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