April 20, 2006

Infrared (IR) Detector

Chris at The Keeser has constructed a simple circuit to detect infrared light. You can make the project using only 7 parts. A schematic and analysis of operation is also provided. Parts Needed: * 1K ohm * 330 Ohm * LED * IR transistor * 2N3904 NPN transistor (any NPN will do) * Battery Snap * Perf Board “Test the circuit by holding it close to an IR remote control

Dragon Runner and the AGCV

The National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC) is coming up with some robot designs that are quite amazing! Dragon Runner is a rugged robot that is used for reconnaissance among other uses. Have a look at the video, it is quite impressive. “The four-wheeled device is small and light enough to be carried in a soldier’s backpack and rugged enough to be tossed over fences and up or down stairwells. Its