Infrared (IR) Detector

Chris at The Keeser has constructed a simple circuit to detect infrared light. You can make the project using only 7 parts. A schematic and analysis of operation is also provided.

Parts Needed:
* 1K ohm
* 330 Ohm
* IR transistor
* 2N3904 NPN transistor (any NPN will do)
* Battery Snap
* Perf Board

“Test the circuit by holding it close to an IR remote control and pressing any button. If everything is working (including the remote control) then the LED should light up.”


  1. I like the simple circuit. Just to let people know that most video cameras can also be used to detect IR light, it just glows like a normal led in the viewfinder!

  2. Nice small size. This would be great in a repair shop to test remote controls.

  3. hello..can i replace the IR transistor with IR detector?

  4. You sure could adapt it for that, you may have a limited range of detection though since many of them have a filter for a specific IR frequency. If you are wanting it to test remote controls you should be fine since most of them use the same frequency.

  5. do u have any project that can detect dark, using infrared phototransistor andvac.
    thank you for answer..

  6. do u have any project that can detect dark, using infrared phototransistor and 24 VAC
    thank you for answer

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