April 21, 2006

PowerGlove Mouse - Version 2

This is an updated version of the Power Glove mouse we saw a few months ago. What is a Power Glove? Click here to find out. “I had the 4 wires coming from the glove bundled together, as the ones from the mouse. Then I skrewed the base of the mouse into the glove, and drilled another hole that the wires from the batteries come up from under the glove.

High Energy Pulse Discharge Machine

Warning this project is dangerous, extreem caution must be used. Penguin’s Lab has made a simple pulse discharge machine that can produce some amaizing results. There is a schematic and many pictures of discharges in action on his sight. The coil gun is another interesting project that sounds like fun to build. “For safety’s sake, the whole setup was enclosed in a tough industrial plastic case, just in case the