This is an updated version of the Power Glove mouse we saw a few months ago.
What is a Power Glove? Click here to find out.
“I had the 4 wires coming from the glove bundled together, as the ones from the mouse. Then I skrewed the base of the mouse into the glove, and drilled another hole that the wires from the batteries come up from under the glove. The circuit on the left is held on by a single wire going around the base of the glove into the top 2 holes of the breadboard. This allows it to be sturdy as well as flexible. Also I used telephone wires from a telephone cable, they are small and sturdy (easy to solder) took out the mouse wheel and strung them all out of there.”
Man your cool, could you send me the diagram to make it? ^^’ please……
^^ =)
Yeah, it seems like a cool idea at first, and props for making it, but what if you have to sneez or something? Or you want to drink something, you will have to reamin still with that hand completly.
Whatever, don’t listen to Calm-down! 😀 I am old enough to have had one of these when they first came out. Hehe. This is an awesome mod. I remember seeing an article like 100 years ago that someone had done this, but I never saw any pics or anything. Your setup is awesome and I wish I still had my old Power Glove to do this, too!