Fun with Gauss

What is Gauss? According to is: “The gauss (symbolized G) is the centimeter-gram-second (cgs) unit of magnetic flux density. A flux density of 1 G represents one maxwell per centimeter squared (1 Mx ­ cm-2). The gauss was named for the German scientist Karl Friedrich Gauss.” How can this be fun? Watch the videos below and you will soon see! Check out FastMHz for more project details.

“A Gauss Gun is a weapon that fires projectiles using electricity instead of combusion or air pressure. The basic concept is to dump a ton of energy into a coil as fast as possible, generating a strong magnetic field to “suck” the projectile through the coil. The trick is to design your coil properly so that the coil is off by time the projectile leaves it, or you end up with a giant, non exciting solenoid. The cheapest way for the hobbiest is to use large capacitors and a large circuit breaker for a switch. If you have some money, Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) are the way to go, allowing less energy to be wasted during switching.”


Gauss Gun


Hard Boiled Egg Fired


RingRocket Fired



  1. where would one find capacitors that big? i want some!!

  2. I got them on eBay…just search for “High voltage capacitor” and you’ll see plenty. I paid about $80 for my entire set.

  3. Awesome – now I am thinking electric vehicle drag racing with that sort of acceleration…

    What sort of voltage would it take to send a car and driver down a 1/4mile strip in say 5 seconds?

    Would they live 🙂

  4. SWEET!!
    is there any “blueprints” that you would be able to send me, or a link?
    if you have some for a smallscale, like yours, email to me at

  5. Dude, do you work for HAARP or something? If you dont maybe you should! That was pretty cool stuff there! Like a mini rail gun, right? Nice demonstration.

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