MIT Party Mode, Dorm Room Automation

Zack Anderson and Russell Ryan over at MIT are playing hard, not sure where they find time to study. 🙂
Check out the elaborate dorm room automation system they have developed.

“What happens at 4:10 am when you have a bunch of MIT students hard at work? Naturally, they throw an instant party with their automated control system.

Since moving into my dorm this last fall, my roommate RJ Ryan and I have been working on creating the most elaborate automation system we could envision. Featuring everything from web control, voice activation, and a security system, to large continuously running information displays, electric blinds, and one-touch parties, the custom designed MIDAS Automation System has brought ease to our lives (if one doesn’t count all the time it took to actually build and program the system).”


  1. that is awesome, best dorm room i have ever seen

  2. must be from canadia or somethin’

  3. thats the most stu… work that i saw dont they have anything better to do or dont they have anymoney to goto a real club

  4. Dad…………is that GOD?
    No Son……..Hes just an MIT student.

  5. NERRRRRRDS!!!!!!!

  6. thats pretty cool, although Im pretty sure teachers would know if MIT students are holding parties with all that fancy equipment in plain eye sight.

  7. Looks cool. I imagine how much fun would it be to party in there when you know you made every effect.
    10/10 guys

  8. wow. that is freaking sweet. i should automate my room with automatic doors and what not.

  9. Cool. Maybe you could make it so the party button sends a text message to all of your friends’ cellphones to let them know there’s a party.

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