Looking for a cool science fair project? Forget the exploding volcano, check out this Articulated Hand project!
“My niece Sydney needed help for a 7th grade Science Fair project. I helped another friend’s daughter (Kaitlin) build an articulated hand for a project in the past and suggested we resurrect the project. The build is fun for the kids and I wanted to try some enhancements on the original idea.
You can get everything you need at Lowe’s or Home Depot.
1 – 3/4″ hardwood dowel
1- 4″ x 1″ Pine plank (I’m calling it ‘1×4’ here)
5 – bags of #216-1/2 small screw eyes (eyelets)
1 – roll of braided nylon string (one color for ligaments. We used yellow)
1 – roll of braided nylon string (another color for tendons. We used pink)
1 – bag of 1/4″ wide rubber bands (like the Post Office uses)
1 – cup hook (open eyelet)
1 – can of white spray paint
2 – 3/4″ sheet rock screws
Various hand tools (you already have them if you are a maker! 🙂
We used a small drill press, 4” side grinder, jig saw (my Dad taught me this was called a “Saber saw”) and a chop saw with a trim blade. These are time savers, but you could do it all with hand tools if you can spend the time.”
Thanks Robert.
I dont know about this… I mean its cool and I like it,
but I dont like it when I see things form other more popular websites… Like instructables. I dont know I like seeing things that are not featured on another big site…
Just my two cents…
Thanks for everything else though.
WHat does it do, like what was the theme for the science fair
Hi Shawn,
Click on the link in the article for full information.