June 18, 2006

EM Rocket

Fast MHz has made another EM rocket. You might remember their other EM projects from a few months ago. “Hi all…after seeing my gauss gun appreciated here, I figure I’ll share my latest gadget: EM Rockets! That’s right, “rockets” launched with nothing more than electricity. Unlike gauss guns/coilguns, which are reluctance based, these are induction based…electricity goes through a coil, which imparts a current into aluminum, which then itself becomes

DIY Optical Disc Duplicator

Interesting CD changer contraption. I am all for automating boring processes! “The software for this gadget is relatively simple. I wrote a simple command line driven program that sequences the machine through picking a CD from the tray and dropping it in the middle, and piking up a CD from the stack on the left, and dropping it in the tray. The software also has some manual controls, which I

How to Make Unicycle Snow Chains

I would have never thought it would be possible to ride a unicycle in snow, I guess with the right equipment anything is possible. “I’ve been riding my bicycle to school every day this year but then the snow came… A racing bike just didn’t cut it. It was time to throw the snow chains back on the unicycle. I first made the chains a few years ago and have

Teddy Bear USB Flash Drive

What are these manufactures thinking? The next generation is going to grow up thinking pulling the heads off things is perfectly normal. This Teddy Bear USB drive is not the first rip off the head storage device, have a look at the Barbie USB drive. “Teddy Bear got his head stuck in the computer? No. This is a Teddy Bear USB drive and it may be the most hilarious storage