What are these manufactures thinking? The next generation is going to grow up thinking pulling the heads off things is perfectly normal. This Teddy Bear USB drive is not the first rip off the head storage device, have a look at the Barbie USB drive.
“Teddy Bear got his head stuck in the computer? No. This is a Teddy Bear USB drive and it may be the most hilarious storage device ever produced. Remove the teddy bears head and a USB plug appears. Plug it into the USB port and the teddy bear looks like he got his head stuck in the computer.”
I’ve made one,as same as it.
I want one….. Where can I find one for sale?
Looks like it may have been custom made.
I want one, too! So does everyone I show this site to!
This is an awesome idea – If anyones managed to find out where they come from let me know???
the teddy is wearing a spanish Tshirt so I shall have a search on a couple of spanish sites I know – let ya know..
Obviously someone made it. It’s called DIY. (duh) So to all you lazy readers out there, got find a small teddy bear key chain and shove a flash drive in it. Easy.
You can purchase it here [http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=0899].
However most people will most likely go for the DIY option.
Enjoy! 🙂