June 19, 2006

$10,000 Dual T1 Wireless Transmitter

Ever want to know how a WiFi site works, this video gives some interesting behind the scenes information. For about $10,000 you can have a dual T1 wireless transmitter that can serve 200 customers. “We visit a commercial “WiFi Site” and look inside to see what makes it work. Plus, there’s a short segment on “Emergency Power”.”

Tactical Sniper Watch

When is a watch more than a method of telling time? When it can calculate ballistics trajectories! That is what the Tactical Sniper Watch can do. The ENIAC was doing the same thing but it was a bit bigger. “Calculate point of impact by inputting critical variables that determine elevation and wind adjustments. Works on all MILDOT, TMOA, SMOA and clicking rifle scopes. Punch in data about the ammunition you

Peltier CAN cooler

Valojuova from Finland has created a crazy DIY invention for cooling a can. The Peltier CAN cooler uses the peltier effect for cooling. Looking to cool a bit more with a peltier device? Check this out. “PWM controlled peltier cooler, 12V, 80W peltier. I can holder was lathed from aluminium by some other students. I just gave him the blueprints. Hot side is cooled with Igloo 7200 Light. I haven’t

Sponge Bob's Patrick USB-Stick

Seems that there is no end to the inventiveness of people out there. Kees Ricken has hacked his USB drive into something unique. “After about 9 months of use my Apacer Handysteno USB-memory stick casing was damaged so badly that I decided to make a new casing. But what to use… So, I went looking in shops for something that I could use as a new casing for my memory-stick.