June 20, 2006

Microsoft doing Robots

I didn’t think I would see the day that Microsoft would get into the robot game. You can download the new Microsoft Robotics Studio now. Here is the official anouncement from the Microsoft blog. “At the RoboBusiness Conference and Exposition 2006, Microsoft Corp. showcased the community technology preview (CTP) of a new Windows®-based environment for academic, hobbyist and commercial developers to easily create robotic applications for a wide variety of

Clothes Iron Surface Mount Desoldering

Ever wonder how to remove surface mount electronic parts from a board? This video demonstrates the clothes iron method, as opposed to the cooking skillet method. 🙂 If you have some tinfoil you may want to give this method a try. Here is an english version, thanks Nick.

The giant MP3-Player LED display panel

This site includes the board layout and code to make this ATmega128 powered LED sign. If you speak German here is the original German site. “Again such a crazy project of me. It began with the fact that I with EBay a mountain LED of modules ersteigert. And from this this enormous LED became panel. Whom is too enormous, there is also a small brother. Here times the technical data:

PIC Microcontroller Ring Tones

Want to add a touch of cool to your next PIC microcontroller project? Why not have it play some ring tones. There is full source code and an explanation available. “Using only a speaker and decoupling capacitor, it is possible to generate tunes or melodies from your Microchip PIC16F87x processor. A timer can be used to generate each of the eleven musical notes and another timer can be used to