PIC Microcontroller Ring Tones

Want to add a touch of cool to your next PIC microcontroller project? Why not have it play some ring tones. There is full source code and an explanation available.

“Using only a speaker and decoupling capacitor, it is possible to generate tunes or melodies from your Microchip PIC16F87x processor. A timer can be used to generate each of the eleven musical notes and another timer can be used to time the note duration. You can even choose to support several octaves if you want a challenge.

The code can form the foundation for a range of applications such as christmas toys to customised doorbells or chimes. Add a DIP switch to support multiple melodies.

One of the more popular standards is the RTTTL (Ringing Tones Text Transfer Language) specification which is used by Nokia mobile phones. These tunes can be save and transported using the .RTX ringtone specification. This specification is no more than a ASCII text file which includes the ringtone name, a control section specifying default attributes and a comma delimited string of notes that can be optionally encoded with the octave and duration.”


  1. I am using 18f4520 PIC can i have some tunes for the speaker thank you

  2. Hi Akhil, best thing to do is click the link and ask the author of the project. Thanks.

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    Very Informative Posts.
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    I love what you’e doing!
    Don’t ever change and best of luck.


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    Phoenix might end up blowing them all away.

    PHX vs. Det. Hmmm..Could be interesting?

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  10. hey is there a doom theme for the picaxe tone iv tried to make one but haven come close yet…
    iv got the beat but not the sound and im looking for a power tab of the notes theas been converted in to the tone files for picaxe if you know what i mean
    reply to
    thanks bye…..

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