Cool Automatic Lawnmower

I think I am going to enjoy the world of the future, I will have a gadget for every task. Check out this automatic lawnmower.

” * Get your lawn cut automatically
* No need to collect the clippings
* Very quiet, virtually silent
* No gas, no oil, no emissions
* User friendly
* Exclusive safety features
* Designed for domestic lawns of any size

Friendly Robotics® is focused on making and selling this exciting new generation of home appliances. Our products liberate people from routine chores such as cleaning the home and mowing the lawn, thus making our life more convenient and freeing our valuable time for more enjoying activities.”

read more | digg story


  1. The Robomower is the best Robotic Lawn Mower in the world!

    Great blog!

  2. Buy the RL 1000. It is the best selling robotic lawn mower on the planet.

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