This is a home made Frequency Scanner that is based on a Microchip microcontroller.
“The brain of the counter is a PIC16F84, it does all the display scan, ranges calculation and main counter. More info about this counter can be found in the Danish HAM mag called OZ”
I am interested in how to make the frequency counter!
Can you teach me?
Hi Dominic,
Your best bet would be to contact the person who made it. There is a link in the article.
I am interested how procured schematic diagram this frequensy counter.
thank you!
Hi Nanu,
The source code is available on the site linked above but you would need to find the magazine article… Search this site for “Frequency counter” and you will find lots more that have full instructions.
I am interested how to make the frequency counter and schematic!
Can you help me?
Hi Marian,
There is a link in the article with more information but you may have to ask the author for the schematic.