Laser Saber


If you are lucky enough to have a Wicked Laser the Light Saber would be a great purchase.

“Main Features

* 38 3/4 inch Long radiant strong polycarbonate blade.
* Solid 9 1/2 inch hilt.
* Uses both the red and green laser pointers from Wicked Lasers.
* Dose not come with laser pointer or sound effects.”

Thanks Steve


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  2. so, you’re saying that the lazer saber is more than sci-fi. if so, can it do the things as seen in star wars. i knows it effect was cgi, but can it do those things?

  3. alexandra are you stupid..its just a light wand basically..its like the toy lightsabers, but with an incredibly powerful laser. for looks you think that the government would let them sell a laser sword??? and its priced under 1 billion dollars??? bill gates would buy them all day for a billion dollars..and im sure you can see the damn plastic tube that houses the light right??? have you ever seen a plastic tube with light in it cut through a steel door or cut through an entire tank..of course not..which means that this wont do it either..Im so sorry im just messing with you..this product really does do the same thing the sabers on star wars does.i bought one last month and i seriously cut the whole back side of my car off. ill have my sister throw me stones and ill swing at them and they just “poof” into nothing..this item is awesome. you can literally cut anything in half with just a flick of the wrist. i went to the rail road and found an old piece of track lying to the side in the brush. i serious cut the two foot thick steel in half without even having to apply force..this is a must have for jedi or jedi wanna bes everywhere..thanks to the creators of this.

  4. If you want to see a complete review on Wicked Green Laser, with deepenings about solid state laser technology, go to my web:

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