July 14, 2006

Lawnmower With a Lift

I was over at a friends house the other day and spotted his lifted lawnmower. Bill Alexander was tired of hitting rocks when cutting grass around his trees with a normal push mower. Even when most of the rocks were picked up new ones arrived and damaged the blade often enough that a mower deck lift was called for. A trip to the hardware store and an evening of work

Interactive Eyeball Robot

  Looks like something that could traumatize kids for life… “The Muu Socia 3.0 robot, created by ATR and Systec Akazawa, is being shown at the International Modern Hospital Show 2006 in Tokyo this week. The CYBER CYCLOPS is designed, ugly enough, to serve as an ice-breaker between doctors and patients (in other words, they created it “because they could” and came up with an application later…). The robot interacts