Music Via Monitor Interference


Our friends over at Hack 247 have found this cool video which demonstrates how interference from a computer monitor can be manipulated to play a tune on an AM radio.

“Tempest for Eliza is a Program that uses your computer monitor to send out AM radio signals. You can then hear computer generated music in your radio. All electronic devices send out eletromagnetic waves. so does your monitor. and your monitor does it all the time. and at very high frequencies. high enough for your short wave AM radio. All you have to do is display the “correct” image on your screen and your monitor will emit the “right” signals. Tempest for Eliza displays pictures on your screen. one for each note in the song.”

Via: Hack247


  1. Wow, That’s very interesting…is it a program that they loaded on the computer that does that or did they program it in?

  2. Use your favorite search engine and use “Tempest for Eliza” as your search criteria.

    Plenty of places to download the software.

  3. It’s been done before, many many years ago, with an Altair and no monitor at the Homebrew Computer Club.

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