July 20, 2006

Flameosapien Round 2

—Language Warning—   You might remember the past Flameosapien article. Well Markus has completed the details for the cool mod. If you plan to use his plans to mod your own try not to burn down your house. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what it up next for Markus, whatever it is it is sure to please. “The main part of the circuit is the gas control gear. I looked

Simple IBM POV

If you are looking to get on the POV bandwagon, this is a simple way to do it. “In this first article on microcontrollers, Erik Zoltan tells you what they are and how they work to your advantage. He presents a few simple examples illustrating how microcontrollers can be used, and gives you a complete implementation of a kinetic glowstick that uses persistence of vision to display images with a

Build a Solar Generator

Looks like a big undertaking as a project, but the solar generator sounds like a great way to produce power. “During a stint in the Peace Corps in Lesotho in southern Africa, Matthew Orosz, an MIT graduate student advised by Harold Hemond, professor of civil and environmental engineering, learned that reflective parabolic troughs can bake bread. Now he plans to use these same contraptions to bring power to parts of