August 10, 2006

PIC Chip LED Flasher

Here is a simple DIY project that makes a cool LED flasher circuit. Check out this site for more information including full schematics and other diagrams. “Five pins from RA0 to RA4 are used as the input pin. These pins are pull-uped with 10K ohm resisters. So, when a switch isn’t pushed, the input becomes H level ( +5V ). and when a switch is pushed, it will become L

Fire Fighting Robot

I can see these fire fighting robots being positioned on street corners ready to spring into action when needed. “This firefighting robot presented in July 2006 has many advantages among others, as: -It is four times more powerful in its traction system; -It has Fault Tolerant Architecture with redundancy in its moving system; -It has lighting system; -It was constructed completely modular; -It has at least 100 % more autonomy,