LEGO Rubberband Sniper Rifle

MiniFlash sent in some pictures of his latest creation. It is a LEGO sniper rifle that is sure to pack a punch.


    where can i buy it?
    ive been tryin to make one for a long time and it doesnt work but
    that is SOO cool

  2. your an idiot
    get a life

  3. legos are for littel kids u punk

  4. This is the COOLEST THING ON EARTH!! IM A MAGICIAN and i would love to buy this off of you for 1 whole penny! I love this creation!! Or maybe we can get together and you can show me how to build a sniper and ill show you my magician tricks! yay! MY FIRST FRIEND!!

  5. Doesn’t even look like a sniper freak

  6. looks wierd, probably goes 4 inches or so, if you fired it the front would probably break and slam back into your face

  7. I would’ve never figured it out that it was a “rifle”.. lols

  8. looks like a space station. i agree with Haseeb Anjum

  9. your right haseeb it looks like a chewed pencil…

  10. go buy a real rifle.

  11. wot a load of crap….no offence….y dnt ya buy a real rifle!

  12. Are you for real? Is that a sniper rifle or a hammer? It probably brakes into pieces if you fire it.

  13. look like a pitel 2 me lol! loooks like 1/20th of da real rifle i got.

  14. how can i buy BlueSniper Rifle

  15. how dose that look like a sniper rifle it is sh1t

  16. your mom is so short she needs a sticky hand to open her car door!

  17. am i the only one that thinks its cool or is it beceause i am only a begginer a building guns :^(

  18. dude, this is pathetic! if ya wanna real rifle ima sellin 1 with scope and mounts for $45!!!! this would most likely be more useful as a target thn a rifle!!

  19. Are you bullshitting me or something?
    That thing probably breaks when you even touch it 🙁
    But on the good side, if it doesn’t break it hits your face (:

  20. looks to weak and thin to have any significant rubber bands put on it so you’d be better off using ur hands

  21. build them out of wood, works a lot better

  22. omg that is horrible! my lego shotgun looks like a shotgun, and it fires like crazy!!!! and my friend made a sniper rifle that looks exactly like a springfield rifle and it has 350 fps!

  23. it shit i made a kar 98k using lego and its mutch better then that

  24. when i go outside, people ACTUALY talk to me!

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