LED Dash Light Hack

Tired of replacing burnt out dash lights? Why not replace them with LED lights, you will never have to touch them again. 🙂

“Now you will need to assemble your LEDs. Take an LED and figure out what side is positive and the other negative. The longest leg of an LED is positive (anode; a), and the shortest leg is negative (cathode; k).
Another way of checking which side is positive or negative is by looking on the side on the LED. The side that has a flat side on the bottom is the negative side / leg.”


  1. Sounds good, but the light is really uneven. I would probably add more LEDs to balance the color out a bit more.

  2. There are 5mm and 3mm T-wedge globes in most colors available from auto accessories stores now for a couple of dollars a pair. They incorporate both an LED and resister, inside a concave clear lens which scatters the light so it’s much more even. Plug and play!

  3. Uh, LED lights don’t last forever. hahaha

  4. Hey Smarter,

    I guess forever is a long time 🙂 but 100,000 hours will definitely outlast the usable life of the car.

  5. To get a more “even” ligght you can rub the LED on some fine sandpaper.
    I’ve done it my self and you can see the reslut here http://www.ackw.dk/div/billedlys.htm
    (sorry that it is i danish but you can see what i mean)

  6. Sounds good but can you still dim them at night if they are too bright?

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