3D Vectors using a PIC Microcontroller


This PIC based project is an example of some serious programming. 3D vectors are usually not even considered to be attempted using a microcontroller. The results are very impressive.

“Managed to get the new Nokia 6100 colour LCD working, and ported most of the 3D code over to a new board. Whole project has moved from 5v to a 3.3v board. The new LCD uses an SPI bus instead of rs232 and can transfer data a lot quicker, on the downside it has no graphics routines built in and I need to write them. This means clearscreen consists of writing 18000 pixels or so in sequence to the LCD to blank it out. My pic is only running at 20mghz and that still takes ages with a visible redraw.
Im going to double the PIC clock speed to increase the framerate, this means changing the board design again though as I need to move from a 20mghz crystal to 40mghz Oscillator.”

Thanks Jason W.



  1. Looks very cool, but I’m unfamiliar with the units mghz. Milligiga? Also, only clearing part of the screen would speed things up, if you could keep track of where you’re drawing.

  2. Much updated. Full Solid 3D with Z-ordering and Backface culling now!
    Even contour ground as well.
    Come take a look, there is source code available for the vector cube.

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