September 3, 2006

LEGO Domino Bot

  This is an interesting LEGO robot. Is there anything the NXT LEGO system can’t do?  Have a look at some more LEGO creations at the creator’s site, "For those who do not know about the Lego Mindstorms Developer Program (MDP), back in January of 2006 Lego was seeking assistance from the Lego community on their next generation Mindstorms product (NXT). Approx 9600 people applied to become one of

Homemade Flight Simulator

  When thinking of new projects it is a good idea to think big, not sure I would have ever thought of building a Flight Simulator though. 🙂 “In 1998 I began the design and constuction of my 747-400 simulator. The approximate size of the simulator is 13ft wide x 11ft long and 9ft high. It will include every switch and panel in the 747-400. The Simulator has been built