September 7, 2006

LED Based Handycam Light

Sanjiv Dutta saved some money when he decided to make this LED Based Handycam Light instead of going to the store and buying one. It looks very bright and based on the pictures on his site (scroll to the bottom) it seems to work very well! "I have come with a naive solution, but a working one. I put resistors to drop the supply voltage when needed, by means of

Philips Light Emitting T-Shirt in Action

  Here is a better look at the cool LED fabric that was shown last week. “This video shows the full extent of how far the technology has gone, with different colors, how the fabric reacts to touch (which is surprisingly like a normal fabric) and how LumaLive can be made useful on other things like sofas or in other places around the house. For example, a Lumalive clock on