September 2006


  Trimbitas Sorin has created a simple POV (Persistence of vision) kit using AVR microcontroller. If you want to build your own there is code and a schematic available on his site. “This is my first serious(the first one was a one LED blinker) AVR project 🙂 I searched the Internet for a cool looking and easy to build project with ATTiny2313 and I end up on this page,it was

Selecting a Serial Bus

There is a good article about selecting the right microcontroller serial bus in this months Electronic Products magazine. Many people are like me, they use what they know. This article has a good explanation of the differences so that we can make a better informed decision for the next product. “At the heart of most of today’s advanced electronic products is a microcontroller that communicates with one or more peripheral

LEGO Full Auto Book Scanner

  The best inventions are ones that eliminate repetition, this automatic book scanner does just that. Believe it or not it was constructed using LEGO. ” After the invention of hyperpaper, I began to scan my books. Soon I found out that what I expected was true — It was awesomely BOREING! If this drudgery were to be automated! Scanning a book involves picking up the book from the scanner

Floppy Disk Bag

Looking for something to do with the pile of old floppy disks you have? Why not make a bag out of them… “This is a bag I made from floppy disks. I found scads of floppy disks in a dumpster and wanted to make plate mail armor out of it (that is my next floppy project) I found out that a bag would be a great proof of concept project.

Pop Can Art

Some people are much more artistic than I am. Here is a large example of can art that I would have no chance of pulling off. Very impressive work!

The Remember Ring

What’s that burning feeling? Oh yeah, it’s my anniversary… The Remember Ring is an interesting concept that might be just the thing us forgetful guys need. 🙂 Still a concept but I think it would sell. I guess you could also just build this feature into a watch and be done with it though. “One of the worst things, if not the worst, a husband can do is forget his

Micro Mosquito Helicopter by Interactive Toy Concepts

  The Micro Mosquito Helicopter looks like it can be lots of fun. Either the guy in the video is very skilled in flying helicopters or this unit is simple to fly. I have seen people trying to get the hang of flying RC helicopters and not having an easy time… “The future of R/C fits in the palm of your hand! The Micro Mosquito is the world’s smallest, lightest