October 28, 2006

Waldic - Water Cooled Laptop

Bard Johansen from Norway didn’t want a loud cooling fan operating while his laptop was playing movies. How can this be solved? Install a Waldic (water & air laptop direct input cooler). On a side note, have a look at the last picture… If anyone has a Toshiba L10 laptop screen that they are not needing drop Bard a line. “The bottom copper part is the business end of this

Robot Insect Toy

  Here comes a cool new robot called the NSECT, it looks normal until the wings open to reveal a rotary cannon launcher! “Last year around this time Tyco released the Shell Shocker, a whirling dervish of a bio beast that could transforn from a ball to a wicked fanblade of death. This year Tyco has released the NSECT, which comes armed with six tactical surface-to-air foam missles that can