November 1, 2006

 Carlito's  La Cucaracha Robot

Carlos, an Engineering student from Quebec has made a cool little robot out of parts that can be found in most hobbyists parts boxes. “This is a small and very simple robot that requires no electronics. It is inspired on La Coccinelle. They both work according to the same principle, but their bodies and wheels are different. Also mine uses rechargeable batteries so I don’t need to buy new ones

Power Projects from your PC

uC Hobby has a demonstration of a simple way to hook up a small electronic project directly to your PC power supply. WARNING if you do something wrong you can do permanent damage to your computer. Another option is if you have an old computer power supply laying around you could convert it into a lab power supply. “You can hack some parts you probably have lying around into a

Time Lapse Halloween Pumpkin Death

  Now that Halloween is over what is there to do with the Halloween pumpkins? Why not make a time lapse video of them drying up. Once you perfect your time lapse skills you will be ready for next year when you can also record the making of the Halloween pumpkin.