Our friend from Denmark is back at it! After David purchased a wireless keyboard that didn’t have the range needed what did he do? Return it for a different model? That would be no fun… He instead cracked open the equipment and installed some monster antenas that were salvaged from a dead WiFi router.
“The core of the antenna cable was soldered to the start of the internal antenne which was integrated in the dongle PCB. The shielding of the antenna cable was soldered to the ground on the PCB. To get access to ground on the PCB, I just scraped off a bit of the green top coating at a suitable area.”
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ok det er for vildt. total respekt 😉
You can extend the range even without any soldering required. I simply wrapped a wire (a long phone cord I had at my dispense) a few times around my logitech RF receiver, and the rest of wire (a few more feet) I taped along a wall up to the ceiling. This simple hack improved the range of my wireless mouse and keyboard by maybe 200%, and now I can control my computer from anywhere in the apartment. getting the number of wire loops required and the length of the cable is a bit of a trial and error, but it’s so easy you might want to give it a try.
it may be ok. but how should we increase the range of walkie-talkie. if anyone has any idea abt this then
plz inform me on my mailing address.
Shahar is correct, but I’ve found it even easier than that. If you are using a wireless keyboard with the usual range of from 2 to 6 feet, simply take it to the room you want to use it in (mine is 35 feet from the transmitter). Take a wire like a speaker wire or any LOW voltage (for safety) wire and run it underneath the keyboard with this configuration: lengthwise under the keyboard and out the other side for 3 or 4 inches, then loop back under the keyboard again keeping the wires from crossing. But most importantly, the wire must be energized. So if it is a speaker wire, you should have that speaker turned on. I have found this method to be reliable and easy to set up.
I have a Logitech S510 and used this method to improve the range by over 200% (I can’t see the monitor from farther away than that, so it may be more.) After opening the receiver I noticed 9 small holes in the board surrounded by the antenna. I pushed a piece of old wire through two of the holes and used nothing more than electrical tape to keep them in place and connected. The entire job took less than 10 minutes.
Cool thanks for the info.