November 13, 2006

Robo Dump

The Robo Dump would rent out like crazy at the gag shops. Press play below to hear the sound effects! Low bandwidth: [audio:robodump.mp3] High bandwidth: [audio:robodump2.mp3] “RoboDump is a robot. Sort of. And it poops. Sort of. Forever. A horrible, never-ending bowel movement complete with straining grunts, horrific gas, splashes, and pee sounds. The left channel speaker points up into the room (for the voice effects) and the right channel

LED Lighthouse

Check out this very cool lighthouse project “This design is for an octagon lamp for simulating a lighthouse 6 second round trip flash. The lighthouse stands about 6 feet tall, an outline of the lamp head is should on the cardboard of one of the pix. I am really liking the Atmel Tiny controllers, very cool and a true RISC design (no funky divide by 4 microchip T state stuff,