November 15, 2006

Reductronic Shock Game

  We have all seen the electric shock game . This hack takes an old Reductronic exercise machine and makes it into a shock game. “Reductronic is a old system to exercise the muscles of the human body by the use of electricity , the system was hacked to interfere the nerve system and establish sinestesia with the auditive system. The electrical current circulates through the body at the rhythm

High Powered Laser from DVD Burner

  I didn’t think that the lasers in DVD burners were this powerful. If you have one that died (hopefully not because of laser failure) you might want to make your own high power laser. Be very careful when playing with something like this. I would suggest using laser goggles when operating. “The laser pictured above has a peak output measured at 225 mW (average output 200 mW). It’s a