6 Axis PC Controller


Here is a cool project in development, it’s a joystick for the PC that uses accelerometers to to detect user input. It uses a CUBLOC 405 module for the brains and a Dimension Engineering accelerometer to sense movement.

“Today, I was able to get a sneak preview of 6 Axis PC USB controller made by Garrett from scratch. It looks really cool, kinda like the Nintendo Wii controller and the PS3 controller. He used a CUBLOC 405 module, accelerometer, and an unknown USB controller. Garrett says he will have a howto very soon, so keep checking over the next couple days for the 6 axis controller. It’s not wireless yet but that should be the easy part.”


  1. I built a 2 axis wireless controller about 5 years ago. It was great untill I added the (IR based) wireless link and introduced a small but perceptable time lag (maybe 100ms). That combined with the fact that I built it into the case of a misurable failier of a tilt switch based controller meant that nobody in my company wanted to even look at it. There were a few other small problems, nothing insurmountable, but it was DBA (dead before arrival).

  2. What game is that? lol… All I heard was the guy say blah blah blah demo from last year… something like that. Thanks 🙂

  3. Dude… like that is sooo cool. Like did you make that yourself? Wow, like you could probably make one huh? That is, like, sooo cool. What game is that… you gonna give me a copy? You are like, sooo cool. Whoah…

  4. dream to find somebody to create a 5, 6, or 7 axis cnc robot small size 3 to 6 feet.

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