Justin (Potatono) has made a cool looking Binary LED clock called Time to Hack. You can find information about the clock at Thingiverse and NYCResistor.
"Use three pieces of acrylic, each with similar holes cut in them. The top piece only has four holes for the mounting screws that hold the whole thing together and the "Time To Hack" etch. Under that is the clear piece with holes for the mounting screws and lights. Under that is the back piece which is the part that we actually mount to the wall. The extra space on the square piece of acrylic is used to cut out spacers which fit between each of the layers. In this revision I mounted the Arduino on the back piece, but it should’ve been mounted on the middle piece (see below) as it made me use a ton of extra wire, and it was really difficult to get the whole thing to come together in the end."
great tips.. i hope i can try it at home!