Do you own WOW? Why not take the game to the next level and use your Wiimote to play it.
Video after the jump.
“Oki, some days ago I posted a little flick I made – showing how to play WOW with the WiiMote. I didnt actually think many ppl would want to watch It, so I made it in norwegian as it is my mothertongue and I just wanted to show it to some friends. Suddenly the movie had 50k hits and rising – and ppl were complaining their ass of since it was all in norwegian ( Meaning it couldnt be understood by others than .NO .SE .DK ).
Cause of all this, I figured I could make a howto – on how to connect your WiiMote to your windows system, and using it to play WOW or any other game you would like to play. Since I only own a Bluetooth dongle, this tutorial only covers how to connect it via bluetooth and using it to control the mouse without IR.
Things you need to own in order to get this working :
1. A Nintendo Wii and / or a WiiMote.
2. A computer connected to tha inarnetz, lol ( you allready got this. )
3. A Bluetooth dongle kit.”
Link: Axeman
WOW (World of Warcraft) with Wiimote