January 6, 2007

Bicycle Lift

  When there is a problem I love the creative solutions that result. Read more here. “Hilly cities normally have a low share of cycling. How come that Trondheim, the third largest city of Norway, has the highest share of cycling compared to all the other Norwegian cities? We believe there are there reasons: 1. Trondheim is a university city with 30 000 students, 90 % of whom using their

Inside the Triforium Control Center

The Triforium is interesting looking, but the old control room for it is amazing! This old tech is fascinating, I can’t imagine writing code using paper tape. 🙂 Eecue.com had the opportunity to have a tour of the old control room (it has since been replaced by a modern control system). “The Triforium is the name of a six story 60 ton public sculpture in the Los Angeles Mall Civic

Robosapien Dance Machine

  Take your WowWee robots to the next level with Robodance. “The next version of Robosapien Dance Machine, the free open source program also known as Robodance, has support for the Nintendo Wii Remote. You can watch a funny sneak preview video of this new release in action now. ( Warning: this video contains graphic footage of a robot tickling Elmo! ) Robodance already lets you control your WowWee robot