January 21, 2007

SecureLED - Better Access Control

Now that lock bumping is gaining in popularity, this is looking like a nice option to me. “OVERVIEW SecureLED is an optical access control device which replaces current RFID or Magnetic Strip technologies with a cryptographically secure, contact-less device which communicates over commodity Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). PROJECT SUMMARY This project started with one central premise: current physical access control systems are insecure in fundamental ways. We sought a way

WineM RFID Enabled Smart Wine Rack

  This wine rack must be the smartest rack around. “WineM is a Technology Sketch of a smart wine rack. It’s designed to locate wines in a wine rack using RFIDs attached to bottles and to display which wines have been located using LED backlights behind the bottles. Collectors (or anyone with a large wine cellar) can use it to search through collections, track the location of specific bottles and