Flashbag – USB Flash Drive with Micro Pump

This is almost as funny as the USB dog! I hope that’s a full flashbag in your pocket. 🙂

“The size of the device changes depending on the amount of data it holds.

When the device is about to blow up you will see the familiar error message on your screen: “There is not enough free space”.

When switched off the flashbag remains pumped up, so you can estimate with the naked eye how much more pics, books and music albums can be transferred into it. ”

Via: Funniest Gadgets


  1. Nice concept idea! 🙂
    Too bad though that the rest of the ideas at that site seem a little farfetched and I guess that they won’t be available on the market any time soon.

    It seems like one of those “what if we could make energy out of absolutely nothing at all”-kind of sites… 🙁
    I like the idea though, all that’s missing is WiFi LAN/Bluetooth connectivity so you can buff up your bulge without using your hands (at least not in that general area). 😀

  2. i want one!!!!!

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